The Kossuth County Transfer Station is owned and operated by the Kossuth County Board of Supervisors. The Transfer Station is located approximately 1-mile east and 1-mile south of Burt. The Transfer Station began operations as a Landfill at its current location in 1971, the landfill then expanded in 1975, and again in 1983 to its current size of 120 acres. In 1993, the Kossuth County Landfill expanded by adding a recycling transfer station for the handling of recyclable materials.
In 2001, approximately 16,000 tons of garbage and 875 total tons of recyclable materials were brought to the Landfill and processed. The Landfill was closed in November of 2007, when the site began operations as a transfer station for garbage and recyclables. In 2019, approximately 17,000 tons of garbage and 500 total tons of recyclable materials were brought to the Transfer Station and processed. Currently the Transfer Station serves all of Kossuth County's rural residents as well as 16 communities that in Kossuth County or adjacent counties.
The Kossuth County Transfer Station’s service area has a population of 17,542 people according to the 2010 census. Garbage can be hauled to the Kossuth County Transfer Station between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, however the Transfer Station is closed on holidays.
All rural residents of the Kossuth County Transfer Station’s service area may drop off items directly at the Kossuth County Transfer Station, or in the Transfer Station's recycling drop boxes. All municipal residents are provided with recycling service through their garbage pickup service. The Transfer Station’s drop boxes are located at the corner of McGregor St. and Thorington St. in Algona (next to Algona Publishing). Recyclables must be separated and put into their appropriate place in the drop boxes with cardboard broken down.